How Adjusting to New Dentures Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

How Adjusting to New Dentures Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult from San Dimas Family and Sedation Dentistry in San Dimas, CAAdjusting to new dentures may seem intimidating, but it is easy if you take an informed approach. There is little to worry about as long as you begin your journey with the right set of knowledge and a positive attitude.

Getting accustomed to dentures

If you have never worn them before, dentures can feel strange. Have no fear. Expect that sense of foreignness to disappear within a few weeks. Until then, soreness and irritation are normal reactions. Salivating more than normal is another possibility. This should stop once you are accustomed to new dentures. Consult your dentist if side effects continue beyond the initial adaptation period.

Chewing and talking with dentures

Two of the foremost concerns individuals experience about wearing new dentures involve eating and speaking with these appliances.


Learning to eat with dentures takes a bit of effort, but it is simpler than you might think. All you need are the right strategies.

Start by eating soft foods. Choose edibles such as bananas, pudding, and yogurt. You can also mash and puree fruits and vegetables. Foods that are ideal for doing this include avocado, carrots, and potatoes.

When you are ready for more difficult foods, try rice, pasta, baked beans, and soft bread. Steer clear of cuisine that requires heavy crunching since it is a common source of discomfort. Stay away from sticky foods, such as gum and peanut butter.

Dentures may make sensing temperatures more difficult, increasing the odds of burning your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Let hot food cool ahead of taking a bite. Test morsels gently by touching them to your lips before biting down.

Start with tiny nibbles and then gradually move on to larger bites and foods that require heavier chomping. Speed up adjusting to new dentures by chewing with both sides of your mouth while dining.


Speaking with new dentures can be disconcerting. You may discover that words with "f" and "s" sounds are suddenly challenging to pronounce. Clearing this obstacle requires a bit of mindfulness.

It is normal to feel self-conscious. If this describes you, practice speaking without anyone around. Later, you can invite a friend or family member to assess how you are doing. If you do not know what to say, recite what you find in a book or magazine.

Remember to swallow before talking. Doing this helps prepare you to enunciate. You might notice that you are making a clicking sound when vocalizing. Concentrate on eliminating this annoyance by speaking slower. Over time, begin to speed up and see whether it returns.

Use a voice recorder to memorialize your performance. Listen back to how you sound and then try again, paying particular attention to areas that need improvement. Be easy on yourself; remember that learning to speak again is a process and does not happen overnight.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Adjusting to New Dentures in San Dimas, CA


You can expect some awkwardness when adjusting to new dentures. The good news is that this frustrating stage should be short-lived. Even better, you can accelerate the process by being proactive. Follow these guidelines and actively work to become comfortable with your new smile.

Request an appointment or call San Dimas Family and Sedation Dentistry at 909-740-8294 for an appointment in our San Dimas office.

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