What Does a Smile Makeover Consist Of?

A smile makeover may create the perfect smile, but what exactly does the procedure consist of? Every smile makeover is different. No two patients have the same needs and so no two smile makeovers will be identical. There are various procedures that may be used during a smile makeover. A professional cosmetic dentist will be able to suggest proper procedure options with each patient, allowing them to decide on the best path for their individual smile.

What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is a series of procedures done to improve the overall structure of a patient’s smile. The exact process of a smile makeover depends on the desired results and the original state of the teeth.

Smile makeovers may consist of one short office visit or they may take longer. It depends on the procedures chosen and whether or not custom crowns or veneers need to be crafted. Some smile makeover procedures, such as teeth whitening, are quick and easy. Other procedures, such as orthodontic corrections, could take months. A smile makeover is an investment in self-confidence. Which procedures are worth the time and money is determined on an individual basis.

Smile makeover options

Smile makeover procedures come in two varieties: cosmetic and functional. Sometimes there is an overlap between the two categories. Functional smile makeover procedures include repairs and bonding on damaged teeth to protect them from further decay and to strengthen chewing. Crowns are a common smile makeover procedure. A properly fitted crown can restore a tooth’s appearance and return it to full functionality while preventing further damage.

Cosmetic procedures include teeth whitening, veneers, and orthodontics. A cosmetic dentist will evaluate a patient’s facial structure and skin tone while also considering their desired results. When considering veneers or other cosmetic options, there will typically be a preview phase before the smile makeover. During this time, molds or other previews will be designed to give the patient a full idea of what their final results will be.

The first step to getting a smile makeover

Some smile makeover procedures may be performed at a regular dental office. However, it is advisable to get a consultation from a true cosmetic dentist who will be able to determine the best procedures and craft an overall ideal smile.

When considering a smile makeover, a consultation is the first step. During this initial meeting, a smile makeover plan will be constructed and different options discussed. From there, the process of a smile makeover will vary depending on the patient.

Maintaining a smile makeover

With proper care, a smile makeover can last a lifetime. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene even after having crowns or veneers placed. This is because the underlying teeth still need to be cared for. Teeth that have been crowned or otherwise covered by composite materials are still susceptible to decay and damage.

Continue to brush and floss daily after a smile makeover. Depending on which procedures were done, a fluoride rinse or calcium phosphate paste may be suggested as a method of maintaining dental health. Some crowns or veneers may be susceptible to extra wear from “whitening” toothpastes, which should be avoided or used sparingly.

Request an appointment here: https://sandimassedation.com or call San Dimas Family and Sedation Dentistry at (909) 740-8294 for an appointment in our San Dimas office.

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